Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

The darkest day of the year.  Now we can rejoice the coming of the sun back to warm the land and a new season of growth.  My mind is always thinking of our lavender and how they are bearing up under our winter weather.  Today my mind drifted towards our apple orchard and the traditions of years past of "wassailing" an old English blessing of the orchards which later became caroling from house to house.  I reverted back to the earlier roots of blessing our orchard with a glass of cider and a few words and song hoping for a fine harvest next fall.  With this simple blessing I feel more attuned to the land around me.  A certain contentment overtakes me as I begin to think of another year, another crop of lavender, sunflowers, garlic and apples.  What a wonder this cycle of nature is.  I just sit back in awe.

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